If I were going to do the project again in the future I would take my time management into consideration because I spent a lot of time researching and not enough time sampling and creating different ideas that could then be used on my final piece, I would also change how I did my final print, I would have rather used a screen than do it all by hand because it took up a lot of extra time that could have been spent on furthering and developing ideas to show that I have the skills and knowledge to do so.
I think the whole area of tattoos and culture was a huge project I set myself to and in the future I'd like to set myself something more realistically challenging but so I can really focus on the skills I have to produce a lot more work within the set time frame.
The artists I chose to look at throughout the brief were Tyrone Appollis and Tinus de Jongh, I chose these two artists because they're both of an african background and I feel that looking at their work has inspired my own. I found that both artists used colours I could take and use for my own work to really capture that african feel.
The artists I chose to look at throughout the brief were Tyrone Appollis and Tinus de Jongh, I chose these two artists because they're both of an african background and I feel that looking at their work has inspired my own. I found that both artists used colours I could take and use for my own work to really capture that african feel.